Biology Graduate Program

Biology Graduate Program

Program: Biology Graduate Program
Entity: Miami University
Location: Ohio, US

The Department of Biology at Miami University is seeking to recruit students for our Master’s and PhD programs.

We have a strong core group of faculty working in ecology and evolution creating a great community for our students, supported by modern facilities in microscopy, genomics, & a research field station in Oxford, Ohio. Additional facilities for ecological & botanical research include the Herbarium in Oxford & The Conservatory at the nearby Hamilton campus. Our departmental program covers all levels of organization within biology.

The Department provides guaranteed support through teaching assistantships (which include tuition waivers), as well as through faculty research grants when available. Miami is located in Oxford, Ohio, a college town with ample outdoor opportunities & a vibrant downtown.

Faculty with interests in ecology & evolution that are actively recruiting students are below. We encourage prospective students to email potential mentors before applying.

-Dean Castillo – Evolutionary genetics of reproduction, mating behaviors, & speciation (
-Deidra Jacobsen – Ecology & evolution of plant-insect interactions (
-Lesley Knoll – Freshwater ecology; aquatic ecosystem function (anoxia, nutrient fluxes) & structure (phytoplankton composition, toxic cyanobacteria) responses to environmental change (
-Richard Moore – Evolution of plant sexual reproduction; plant conservation genetics (
-Yoshi Tomoyasu- Developmental & evolution of insect wings (
-Zheng Li – Genome evolution with impacts on phenotype evolution & biodiversity (

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