Invasive Plant Ecology & Invasion Risk Assessment

Invasive Plant Ecology & Invasion Risk Assessment

Program: Invasive Plant Ecology & Invasion Risk Assessment
Entity: University of Florida
Location: Florida, US
Fully funded up to 2.5 years, including tuition, stipend, & benefits
The Flory Lab & the IFAS Assessment of Non-Native Plants in Florida’s Natural Areas (UF/IFAS Assessment) at the University of Florida are recruiting a M.Sc. student to conduct research on invasive plant ecology & invasion risk assessment. The student will assist the UF/IFAS Assessment Coordinator in using literature, GIS, & expert-based assessment tools to evaluate the invasion risk of non-native species that occur in the state, new species proposed for introduction, & novel agricultural & horticultural selections, hybrids, & cultivars in Florida. The student’s M.Sc. thesis could focus on a wide range of topics related to the invasion risk of non-native plant species, & could incorporate field studies and/or field, greenhouse, & growth chamber experiments.
-BA degree in ecology, forestry, biology, botany, natural resources, environmental science, or a closely related field, & interest in plant ecology is required.
-Interest in assessing plant invasion risk, quantitative & qualitative skills, previous research experience, ability to work independently & on a team, strong work ethic, communication skills, & leadership experience or potential.
How to Apply:
-Interested should email Dr. Kim with the subject heading: “UF/IFAS Assessment MSc application”. Provide your resume/CV, a brief (~500 words) statement of purpose, including why you are interested in working as part of this research team.