Position: PhD on the dynamics and biodiversity of tree-related microhabitats in old-growth forests
Entity: Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT), Canada
Location: Forest Research Institute (FRI), Rouyn-Noranda campus. Quebec, Canda
Salary: CAD 24,000/year for four years
Deadline: Not specified (early applications likely preferred)
“This PhD project focuses on tree-related microhabitats in natural and managed forests in Quebec, Canada. The goal is to understand factors that promote microhabitat development and identify the species associated with these habitats. The study may be adapted to the student’s taxonomic expertise (animal, plant, or fungal groups).
– A Master’s degree in biology, ecology, forestry, conservation, or a related field.
– Strong academic record and research potential.
– Curiosity, creativity, autonomy, and team-work ability are equally important.
– Experience with taxonomic groups related to tree-related microhabitats is an asset.
Fluency in French is an advantage, but not required.
How to Apply:
Send a letter of interest, CV, transcripts (unofficial accepted), and contact info for two references to: Maxence Martin: maxence.martin2@uqat.ca & Nicole J. Fenton: nicole.fenton@uqat.ca.”
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