The Doc Grubel Memorial Scholarship

The Doc Grubel Memorial Scholarship

Program: The Doc Grubel Memorial Scholarship
Entity: Bimini Shark Lab
Location: The Bahamas
Deadline: Applications Open – Sept 1st to Sept 29th, 2024 for Winter/Spring Internship (March 1st to June 1st, 2025) & Applications open – March 1st to March 29th, 2025 for Fall/Winter Internship (Sept 15th – December 15th, 2025)

The Shark Lab is seeking highly motivated, hard-working people with a desire to gain experience in marine science and remote field station living. Interns are integrated into all aspects of the Station’s workload – alongside field activities, they are expected to assist with fixing equipment, cleaning the facilities, and cooking family-style meals. Not only do interns gain practical skills and knowledge throughout their time, but they are given the opportunity to obtain connections in a diversity of disciplines, including photography and videography, research, outreach and more. We believe that interning at the field station is a life-changing experience that not only develops scientists but also helps to create well-rounded people with a drive and passion to succeed in whatever path they choose to follow.

-Must be over 18.
-Must have a valid passport and be able to enter and stay in the USA and The Bahamas for at least 30 days.
-Must be available for the entire internship period.
-Able to lift/carry 50lbs.
-Able to live on a remote island with limited resources and medical facilities.
-Be comfortable with communal living, sharing rooms, sharing household chore duties.
-Be comfortable around large dogs.
-Be willing to participate in outreach and education initiatives.

For more information: